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豌豆荚在众多的「养成」应用中经过筛选,推荐更多人使用的 4 个「养成」相关应用提供下载,你可以选择自己中意的「养成」应用,直接一键进行下载安装

  1. 开心水族箱


    ★最好玩、最有爱的手机游戏——开心水族箱,终于有安卓版啦!iOS免费总榜第一名,全世界超过5000万玩家正在热玩!! 现在起,拥有一个专属自己的水族箱,不再是个梦想!200多条Q萌可爱的鱼儿,正在等你来喂养!酷炫无敌的12星座鱼,贱萌的羊驼神兽,总有一条是特别为你设计!?超有爱接吻鱼?与好友碰一碰手机,就能甜蜜亲亲喔!讨厌的大章鱼玩突袭,保护小鱼急需你的帮助!跟好友组队,创造精彩纷呈的歌舞演出!发

    32万 人安装 · 2022年08月11日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 休闲

  2. 学园偶像祭2-课题大作战


    日本超人气音乐节奏游戏登场! 在Love Live!系列中登场的学园偶像们Aqours、μ's,帮助她们开展活动,完成精彩的舞台吧; 配合节奏点击画面,一款轻松体验的节奏游戏! 独特的节奏操作 配合节奏瞄准时机点击画面,引导队伍完成LIVE吧,触发连续完美的话,得分会更高哦; 80多首原创乐曲可选! 创建自己专属的队伍吧 以Aqours、μ's为首,各种学园偶像会登场哦; 将自己喜欢的偶像组

    29万 人安装 · 2022年10月13日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 休闲

  3. The Sims™ FreePlay

    Celebrate the holidays with a gorgeous farmhouse, an adorable pet pug, and more! From the creators of The Sims™ series of best-selling simulation games comes a complete Sims experience on mobile! What’s your story? Create it with your Sims in real-time, customize their wardrobes and homes, and help them live out their dreams. Complete goals to earn Simoleons, expanding your Sim Town and picking up rewards along the way. Keep your Sims happy and watch them thrive as you help them live a fun and fulfilled life! 200 million downloads and counting! SIM-ULATING POSSIBILITIES From head to toe – and floor to ceiling – customize every aspect of your Sims’ lives! Keep up to 34 Sims looking stylish, and design their dream homes complete with swimming pools and multiple floors. As you get more Sims and they start a family, expand your Sim Town with a pet store, car dealership, shopping mall, and even a beach! Achieve goals for Lifestyle Points, then spend them on trendy items. Visit your real friends’ Sim Towns, where you can form new relationships and compare your friends’ interior design skills against yours. Endless possibilities. Endless mobile fun! STAY CONNECTED Life is better together. Start relationships, fall in love, get married, and have a family. Make lifelong friends and care for pets. Throw pool parties and grill outdoors or snuggle up by the fireplace for movie night. In the mood for some trouble? There’s plenty of drama to be had when Sims don’t get along. Act silly with s, be rude to family members, or even say no to a marriage proposal! From babies to seniors, your perfect Sims story can happen at every stage of your life simulation. Love and friendships? Drama and breakups? The choice is always yours. ALL WORK AND ALL PLAY A Sim’s gotta work! Start different dream careers, and even follow Sims’ days at the Police Station, Movie Studio, and Hospital. The more your Sims go to work, the more they learn skills and raise their salary, giving you rewards and setting them on a path to success. In their free time, choose different hobbies like cooking, fashion design, salsa dancing, and puppy training. The more involved they are, the happier they’ll be, from kids to s to adults. The opportunities are limitless when you create a life your Sims love! ________________________________________ User Agreement: terms.ea.com Visit https://help.ea.com/ for assistance or inquiries. EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’ notice posted on www.ea.com/1/service-updates Important Consumer Information: This app: requires a persistent Internet connection (network fees may apply);Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement. includes in-game advertising; collects data through third party analytics technology (see Privacy & Cookie Policy for details); contains direct links to the Internet and social networking sites intended for an audience over 13.

    28.6万 人安装 · 2019年12月03日 更新
    分类: 经营策略 养成 经营 模拟

  4. 被尘封的故事小旗版


    千呼万唤始出来!《被尘封的故事》联机版正式上线啦! 【全新的游戏体验】联机版采用房间制联机方式,最多支持6名玩家在同一世界探险! 【全新的角色形象】独特的发色与着装组合,结合性别区分,多达36种个性角色搭配!后续会推出更多! 【全新的数据存储】每个角色的数据独立保存,不与世界捆绑,让您自由出入他人世界,没有束缚! 【全新的系统玩法】宠物换肤功能隆重上线,让宠物外观不再千篇一律!

    25.2万 人安装 · 2024年04月25日 更新
    分类: 动作冒险 角色扮演


  1. 会说话的长颈鹿

    1.5万人安装 12.36MB
  2. 新种返现跳跳研究所

    1.5万人安装 20.88MB
  3. 怨念稻草人

    727人安装 48.67MB