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豌豆荚在众多的「化妆」应用中经过筛选,推荐更多人使用的 4 个「化妆」相关应用提供下载,你可以选择自己中意的「化妆」应用,直接一键进行下载安装

  1. 冰雪女王沙龙

    冰雪女王看起来很迷人,为什么她的皮肤保持如此细腻?因为冰冷也可以让皮肤更好哦。来到电梯页面,你可以选择你想进入的房间,每个房间都有自己不同的体验哦。我知道你不会错过和浪费任何的地方的,你一定要给冰雪女王一个不错的沙龙时刻和体验。这真是一个带有魔力的时间!还可以给她一个化妆和换装的体验。冰雪女王沙龙给你所需要的工具把这个冰雪公主打造成冰雪皇后吧! 冰雪女王需要你帮助她看起来更迷人。你可以首先给她做个美美的背部水疗,然后清洁面部皮肤,并化妆她漂亮的脸蛋,然后为她挑选最美丽的冰雪服装和饰品! 冬天马上就要过去了,在冬季的小尾巴,不要错过任何的冰雪女王的游戏哦。并且我们会为你带来更多有趣美好的游戏体验!

    1.7万 人安装 · 2018年04月27日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 益智

  2. 皇家公主化妆


    体验可爱迷人的皇家芭比公主化妆模特世界,成为新一代时尚女王! 这是皇家芭比公主实现梦想,体验真实模特职业生活,成为下一代超模的机会!装扮设计卡通芭比公主梦幻搭配,非常适合小朋友打发时间! 穿上精品服装商店可以买到的时尚服装和配饰,购买各种天使般的卡通时尚设计衣服,戴上可爱的帽子以及鞋子,和好朋友一起搭配设计化妆沙龙。 公主装扮特色: ☆完成不同时尚主题下的时装搭配。 ☆拥有皇家芭比公主时尚服装中心,享受打扮过程。 ☆呵护漂亮动人的头发,创造一个美丽的时尚发型。 ☆用真正的化妆工具绘制引人注目的时尚外观。

    1.7万 人安装 · 2022年07月01日 更新
    分类: 经营策略 养成

  3. 妆了么



    8978 人安装 · 2016年01月27日 更新
    分类: 网上购物 商城

  4. 星女郎沙龙

    Have you ever dreamed of standing in the center of a grand stage, singing the most beautiful song to audiences all over the world? If your answer is Yes, you'll absolutely feel excited about our new app, Star Girl Salon!!! Here you can make all your dreams come true, no matter have so many fashionable dresses, clothes, and high heels, own a huge variety of famous-brand makeup, or possess plenty of luxury jewelries. Here you can also experience the real live of your dreaming star, such as walking out with the cool sunglasses; using your own customized microphones and guitars; being followed and photoed by paparazzi; standing on the stage while hearing the continuous cheers of your fans; attending various ceremonies, festivals, awards, and appearing on the red carpet around by so many photographers and journalists. Now, there is no need to hesitate, come on, join our Star Girl Salon, it's time to set out your own journey! How To Play: Start with a soothing spa to make sure the hair and skin are flawless already for the event. Next, help her choose a hair style, eye color and put the makeup on. Then, assist her to select a perfect dress (or top and skirt), shoes, and the matched jewelries. At last, please choose a cool sunglasses for her, as well as a pretty microphone or guitar. After all these process, she will go to enjoy her colorful life, let's follow her and see how amazing it is! Features: · Spa Section · Makeup Section · Dress up Section · 4 vivid backgrounds with cheers, camera sounds, moving gestures to choose ( Special Launch! Strongly Recommend to have a try !!!) · 3 beautiful beauties from different continents to choose · Up to 33 fashionable hair styles and hair colors to choose · Try on dozens of different lipsticks, eye colors, eye-shadows, mascaras, and more · As many as 19 colorful dresses to choose · 15 fashionable tops to choose · 12 pants and 7 skirts to choose · 6 stockings of different colors to choose · 20 shoes of different styles to choose · A huge variety of decoration items, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and headgears · 12 cool sunglasses to choose · 19 handbags of various shapes and colors to choose · 6 microphones to choose · 6 guitars to choose · Continued improvements of this game, please feel free to send us your feedbacks and suggestions Need You Know: This app is totally free to download and play, some basic items are also free to use, but some additional items need you to purchase and pay to unlock. Therefore, if you do not want to use these items, please turn off the in-app purchase in your settings. Thanks.

    1928 人安装 · 2015年12月17日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 益智
