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豌豆荚在众多的「卡牌棋牌」应用中经过筛选,推荐更多人使用的 4 个「卡牌棋牌」相关应用提供下载,你可以选择自己中意的「卡牌棋牌」应用,直接一键进行下载安装

  1. 开心消消乐

    5 亿人都在玩的休闲游戏

    顺着藤蔓前往”来自星星”的云端之上~ 消灭各种障碍,收集足够多的金色豆荚,去拯救神秘的村长大大! 宇宙超人气三消休闲游戏“开心消消乐”来了! 【知识产权声明】 消消乐®是乐元素的注册商标,未经许可不得擅自使用。 开心消消乐的著作权由乐元素享有,未经许可不得擅自使用。

    129.6万 人安装 · 2024年09月02日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 休闲 消除

  2. JJ斗地主


    JJ斗地主专业棋牌合集,玩法丰富,赛制公平,不坑队友,提升牌技,比赛不停,奖品狂赢,斗得开心,赢得过瘾。高手都在这儿! 游戏特色介绍: 【专业棋牌 · 真竞技】 17年专业棋牌游戏开发经验,数亿玩家的口碑之选!为玩家带来超爽的棋牌竞技体验! 【高手汇聚 · 涨牌技】玩棋牌游戏,就要选择高手云集的JJ斗地主,高手切磋,同台比拼,提升牌技,尽享乐趣! 【比赛刺激 · 赢奖品】回馈赛、锦标赛、竞技场,丰富赛事任你选,专业赛制让牌技比拼更公平更刺激,还能赢取丰厚实物奖励。 【玩法丰富 · 欢乐多】经典斗地主、欢斗、赖斗、麻将、象棋、掼蛋、升级、跑得快等多种棋牌玩法,百玩不厌,精彩不断。 【文明打牌 · 更开心】JJ斗地主提倡文明打牌,为玩家创建美好的游戏环境,对局流畅,杜绝作弊,绿色无广告,玩家素质高,告别猪队友,越斗越开心。

    879.6万 人安装 · 2024年04月22日 更新
    分类: 扑克棋牌 斗地主 单机 纸牌

  3. 英雄杀


    一亿人都在玩的策略桌游,更好玩的战术卡牌游戏! 《英雄杀2021版》是由腾讯游戏倾力打造的一款卡牌策略桌游,将中国历史与桌面游戏进行结合。以独有的方式展示了一个个鲜活的历史人物,一段段精彩的历史故事。除了经典“身份”玩法,还拥有丰富的3V3、排位赛及好友组队等模式,更革新地融入英雄DIY、宝具搭配玩法,万千的关卡挑战,还有最新的世界模式玩法邀你一起智造英雄,决战天下!

    194.1万 人安装 · 2024年08月06日 更新
    分类: 扑克棋牌 桌游

  4. 么么直播


    火爆的真人视频直播神器,随时随地与女神面对面劲爆畅聊; 功能介绍: (1)看直播,随时随地拿出手机就能看心仪女神在线视频才艺秀 (2)享畅聊,即时沟通,支持一对一、一对多、悄悄话 (3)听音乐,当下流行歌曲随意听,更能点唱自己喜欢的歌 (4)表爱慕,送礼物、做管理、做粉 (5)享尊贵,尊享会员、酷炫座驾、进场动画、富豪等级

    125.8万 人安装 · 2024年08月14日 更新
    分类: 影音播放 直播


  1. JJ麻将

    51.1万人安装 525.17MB
  2. 经典中国象棋

    17.4万人安装 14.27MB
  3. 经典挖坑

    3.3万人安装 8.92MB
  4. Monsters Ate My Metropolis

    2427人安装 21.38MB
    From the people who brought you Robot Unicorn Attack 2 and Giant Boulder of Death — the monsters are back, and they're dealing out destruction! Pick your favorite kaiju, assemble a deck of special cards and time your attacks to destroy the city. Battle rival players from around the world to decide who's king of the monsters. Unlockable monsters, rare prizes, leaderboards, tournaments and more make this the card game to topple them all!CHOOSE YOUR MONSTER Unlock and play as giant, crazy monsters. Each have their own specialized MegaZone attacks, elemental buffs, critical hit chance stats, and bonuses. Earn enough tokens winning matches and you’ll be able to unlock them all. Feed them your unused/unwanted cards to level them up fast and make them even more powerful. FAST, FURIOUS GAMEPLAY Each side is dealt three cards (from their deck of 12) and takes turns attacking until just one is left standing. Damage is based on card power, element (blue, red, green, yellow), and your timing on the boost minigame. Each attack builds your monster’s MegaZone meter; when it’s full you can forego the cards and unleash a mega-powered attack that’ll wipe the ile right off that city’s face. SCALE WEEKLY GLOBAL TOURNAMENT LEADERBOARDS Pummel opposing cities to increase your metropolis’ population and position in the weekly tournament leaderboards. Even if you lose or are attacked, you’ll gain valuable experience and a couple of precious tokens too. And if you win, you’ll get even MORE experience points and currency. Five leagues (Plushy, Mascot, Monster, Elite and Boss) await! COLLECT ALL THE THINGS Four ferocious monsters, over 100 attack cards (with more coming in future updates). Build your City (defense) and Monster (offense) decks any way you like! TAP TO TOPPPLE When your monster attacks you’ll be prompted to tap the screen at just the right time to boost your card’s stats even higher for a more devastating hit! (And yes there is an option for the slow-reflexed to turn that off.) CONNECT FOR BONUSES Connect your Facebook account to get a FREE card, energy, and tokens from your buddies. This also activates cloud save to restore your profile on another device! Follow Us: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/adultswimgames Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/adultswimgames Our Website - http://www.games.adultswim.com 1.2.1 What's New - NEW! Daily Card Reward! Use your tokens to buy a brand new card every day of the week. All rarities! - NEW! Use Apple Replay Kit to record your battles and share with the world! - NEW! Spook out your friends and collect our 3 special Halloween Cards for Halloween Weekend only! - Multiple bugfixes and performance improvements - Don't forget to login to Facebook and claim your FREE CARD!
  5. 神来斗地主

    3984人安装 5.39MB
  6. 太仓麻将

    393人安装 18.75MB
  7. 爱情公寓卡通版手游心跳之战

    0人安装 54.08MB