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豌豆荚在众多的「体育竞技」应用中经过筛选,推荐更多人使用的 4 个「体育竞技」相关应用提供下载,你可以选择自己中意的「体育竞技」应用,直接一键进行下载安装

  1. 火柴人篮球


    火柴人将化身篮球健将,各种酷炫篮球技巧动作信手拈来,表现出来的效果很有 NBA 球星的感觉,翻身跳投、单手大帽、暴力挂框扣篮,一个个动作的都是那么地带感。

    19.1万 人安装 · 2018年01月15日 更新
    分类: 体育竞技 篮球

  2. 热血冰球 精简版


    #1 Sports Game on artphone in the US and 70 other countries. Over 10 million players! From the developers of Minigore, Hardland and Bike Baron. This is arcade air hockey NHL and CHL game with leagues and multiplayer. Ice Rage brings the classic 8-bit hockey experience to the 21st century! Players face off across a ice rink, in a hockey duel – one player and one keeper one each side. Play is rapid and rough, with players spending as much time eating the ice as on their feet. Music and sound fx from the audio designer of Alan Wake & Max Payne. There are three different single player modes (Tournament, Quick Match and Deathmatch) and a single-device multiplayer . There are also tons of unique characters to choose from such as lightning fast Antero or heavy-hitting Enviro-Bear. Team them up with crazy goalies like Santa and you’re sure to get the upper hand. Superb animation and chariatic characters make this a game you won’t forget in a hurry. We dare you to take on the championship or challenge your friend in the most intense single-device multiplayer you've ever experienced. Features: • Controller support • Awesome 3D graphics • Customize your matches • Three difficulties: easy, medium and hard • Rage-Off multiplayer mode: Destroy your friend! • Tournament mode: Can you defeat the legendary Skar? • Over 10 million players can’t be wrong! 4/5 "Ice Rage is an excellent game." - androidheadlines.com 4/5 "If you find that you don't have a lot of time for games, Ice Rage might be ideal for you. " - talkandroid.com "If you're looking for a simple, frantic hockey game for one or two people, look no further than Ice Rage." - androidspin.com _____________________________________ FOLLOW US: @Herocraft WATCH US: youtube.com/herocraft LIKE US: facebook.com/herocraft.games © Original developer Mountain Sheep, porting and publishing Herocraft, 2015-2018.

    3.2万 人安装 · 2020年02月11日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 益智

  3. 蓝牙乒乓球


    6601 人安装 · 2015年05月27日 更新
    分类: 经营策略 策略

  4. 花式桌球 Classic Pool


    1679 人安装 · 2014年09月02日 更新
    分类: 育儿亲子 早教


  1. Tiki Taka足球

    919人安装 45.33MB