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豌豆荚在众多的「小巧耐玩」应用中经过筛选,推荐更多人使用的 4 个「小巧耐玩」相关应用提供下载,你可以选择自己中意的「小巧耐玩」应用,直接一键进行下载安装

  1. 天天爱消除


    《天天爱消除》是一款以“消除烦恼,治愈心灵”为主题的萌系治愈向消除手游,陪伴玩家度过了10个寒暑!轻划手指,将三个相同的小动物旗子连成一行或一列,即可完成一次消除哦!巧妙安排消除时机,灵活运用消除道具和关卡机制,为你的消除旅程插上翅膀吧! 开发组目前精心制作了5000多个关卡,120多种丰富逗趣的关卡元素,更有冒险模式、经典模式、换装玩法、家装玩法、塔防玩法等多种游戏模式等你体验!新的游戏玩法还在不断地推出中! 徜徉在奇妙梦幻的梦境云海里,和暖萌国民IP大使喵星星、黄豆豆、琦琦熊、果果兔一起,运用消除的力量,把人们梦里的烦恼和愁云都清理掉!在消除联萌的暖心守护下,一起做一些甜甜的美梦吧!

    281.3万 人安装 · 2024年06月26日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 消除

  2. 消灭星星全新版


    消灭星星系列全新之作!在全新版本中,消灭星星全面升级,画面UI大大提高,更多新玩法全新加入,消除体验全面更新。在经典玩法已经取得了巨大成功的基础上,研发团队新增了多种消除模式。 【全新玩法】 与怀旧之作“俄罗斯方块”相结合的拼接消除玩法——星星连萌,通过拖动方块到棋牌中摆满一行或一列后可消除方块,带玩家找回童年的乐趣 有增加障碍玩法的闯关玩法——拯救萌星,关卡内有多种不同的障碍元素,增加了游戏的

    228.6万 人安装 · 2024年04月29日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 休闲 消除

  3. 见缝插针




    ◉ 清新脱俗的游戏画面,全新免费单机见缝插针游戏震撼来袭
    ◉ 容易掌握,难以精通,手脑结合,迎接挑战
    ◉ 炫酷的游戏体验,在实景射击中从菜鸟进阶到神射手
    ◉ 6大aa见缝插针奇幻射击模式,在方块射击游戏中畅玩嗨翻天
    ◉ 手指点击操作,简单快捷,玩法多样,体验媲美大型射击游戏
    ◉ 无时间限制,无联网限制,无论男女老少,随时尽享


    72.1万 人安装 · 2018年02月27日 更新
    分类: 休闲益智 休闲

  4. 特种部队:突袭


    《特种部队:突袭 G.I. Joe Strike》是开发商 Backflip 开发的经典动画片改编游戏,游戏中,玩家需要扮演特种部队中的经典角色“蛇眼”,与他一生中的宿敌眼镜蛇部队的“白幽灵”进行战斗。当然还有其他的特种部队成员与眼镜蛇部队加入到这场战斗中。游戏玩法同之前的《致命格斗》很相似,但这款游戏也有自己的特点。总的来说玩起来非常带感!

    16.1万 人安装 · 2015年10月12日 更新
    分类: 动作冒险 角色扮演


  1. 神树小奇兵:罗宾之怒

    12万人安装 145.3MB
  2. 勇者之塔Tower of Hero

    6.2万人安装 23.79MB
    《勇者之塔 Tower of Hero》是一款像素风格的休闲小游戏。地牢中有 100 个以上的勇者!许多的勇者将地牢埋葬,并可以进攻敌人的妖怪的超爽的游戏。使用强大的武器装备打到效率好的敌人!地牢中有许多的勇者,大军进攻妖怪!或者说这游戏跟《点杀泰坦》还是有点类似。
  3. Stickman Ice Hockey

    3.5万人安装 28.54MB
  4. 数独 II

    1.8万人安装 3.23MB
  5. 散花

    1.5万人安装 29.66MB
  6. 请勿乱动

    1万人安装 46.29MB
  7. 地狱之火2

    5512人安装 40.91MB
    《地狱之火2 Inferno 2》是一款炫光射击游戏,具有豪华的声光效果,以及令人过目难忘的科技美感
  8. Bubble Bird Rescue

    5015人安装 15.33MB
    Play the best bubble puzzle adventure game from the makers of the super hit apps, "Ice Crush" and "Garden Mania"! Shoot bubbles and match colors to pop and drop your way to rescue the trapped baby birds! You’ll be addicted to "Bubble Bird Rescue" from the first hit! ☆☆☆☆☆ Highlighted Features ☆☆☆☆☆ ★ Well-designed FREE levels - each with unique challenges and fun puzzles! ★ EASY TO LEARN - hard to master! Can you score 3 stars on every level? ★ Score Big Bonuses - drop large bunches of bubbles to score sweet bonuses! ★ UNLOCK powerful boosts to help with challenging levels! ★ Fresh and beautiful style, bright and vibrant graphics & effects! FREE update with more exciting levels and boosts are coming soon...
  9. 希腊诸神

    4650人安装 66.37MB
  10. Monsters Ate My Metropolis

    2427人安装 21.38MB
    From the people who brought you Robot Unicorn Attack 2 and Giant Boulder of Death — the monsters are back, and they're dealing out destruction! Pick your favorite kaiju, assemble a deck of special cards and time your attacks to destroy the city. Battle rival players from around the world to decide who's king of the monsters. Unlockable monsters, rare prizes, leaderboards, tournaments and more make this the card game to topple them all!CHOOSE YOUR MONSTER Unlock and play as giant, crazy monsters. Each have their own specialized MegaZone attacks, elemental buffs, critical hit chance stats, and bonuses. Earn enough tokens winning matches and you’ll be able to unlock them all. Feed them your unused/unwanted cards to level them up fast and make them even more powerful. FAST, FURIOUS GAMEPLAY Each side is dealt three cards (from their deck of 12) and takes turns attacking until just one is left standing. Damage is based on card power, element (blue, red, green, yellow), and your timing on the boost minigame. Each attack builds your monster’s MegaZone meter; when it’s full you can forego the cards and unleash a mega-powered attack that’ll wipe the ile right off that city’s face. SCALE WEEKLY GLOBAL TOURNAMENT LEADERBOARDS Pummel opposing cities to increase your metropolis’ population and position in the weekly tournament leaderboards. Even if you lose or are attacked, you’ll gain valuable experience and a couple of precious tokens too. And if you win, you’ll get even MORE experience points and currency. Five leagues (Plushy, Mascot, Monster, Elite and Boss) await! COLLECT ALL THE THINGS Four ferocious monsters, over 100 attack cards (with more coming in future updates). Build your City (defense) and Monster (offense) decks any way you like! TAP TO TOPPPLE When your monster attacks you’ll be prompted to tap the screen at just the right time to boost your card’s stats even higher for a more devastating hit! (And yes there is an option for the slow-reflexed to turn that off.) CONNECT FOR BONUSES Connect your Facebook account to get a FREE card, energy, and tokens from your buddies. This also activates cloud save to restore your profile on another device! Follow Us: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/adultswimgames Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/adultswimgames Our Website - http://www.games.adultswim.com 1.2.1 What's New - NEW! Daily Card Reward! Use your tokens to buy a brand new card every day of the week. All rarities! - NEW! Use Apple Replay Kit to record your battles and share with the world! - NEW! Spook out your friends and collect our 3 special Halloween Cards for Halloween Weekend only! - Multiple bugfixes and performance improvements - Don't forget to login to Facebook and claim your FREE CARD!
  11. 元素之战.

    1984人安装 30.4MB
  12. 多彩丝带

    1730人安装 26.37MB